mercredi 4 août 2021

Covid19 and World War III


At the beginning of the covid19 case, I quickly saw the most obvious goals of the elite. Namely:

  • To continue to maintain the fear of microbial diseases.
  • Introduce even more tyrannical laws
  • Sell a vaccine
  • Justify a drop in the stock market, then a rise in it

But well, it was the run of the mill regarding conspirationism. So, it wasn't very exciting.

But in the last few months, some interesting developments have taken place.

All of a sudden, there was negative information about vaccines that came out in the official media. Normally, such a thing should never have happened. The rule in the mainstream media is not to talk about dissident information, except possibly to challenge it.

So, suddenly, we can understand other, more important purposes of the case for the elite.


Note: regarding the medical aspect of the case, I consider that the covid19 virus does not exist and that no virus exists. And the epidemic is obviously completely bogus. The deaths were stolen from other diseases or caused by the doctors. I won't go into that because it's obvious to advanced conspiracy theorists. And quite a few sites have studied the problem. It's the political side that is interesting to analyze in this case.


Note 2 : here is the french version of this text, in pdf.



1) Increasing the number of conspirationists and strengthening the opposition between conspirationists and non-conspirationists


As we have seen in this blog, World War III will oppose the "anti-illuminati/Muslim" conspirationist camp to the "ordinary people/nationalists" camp. For that to happen, the conspirationist camp has to become important. At present, it is still a small group. So the elite must bring many people to conspirationism by making it more mainstream. If only sites labeled as conspirationists disseminate information of this kind, the movement will remain embryonic. Therefore, in order to develop it, the official media and even the governments must become relays of conspirationism. 

So, the different information spread in the official media questioning the safety of this or that vaccine will allow the conspirationist camp to be reinforced. The same goes for certain governmental decisions. This brings the anti-vaccine movement, and therefore the conspirationist movement, out of its marginality.

It will also create an additional source of opposition between the two camps. The conspirationists will refuse the vaccine, and as a result, the "normal people" will resent them and consider them dangerous. After all the restrictions and the relatives who died or got sick from the covid, it will seem unacceptable to them that people refuse the vaccine.

On the other hand, tyrannical measures will be taken against those who refuse the vaccine, which will lead to strong opposition from the conspirationists. Opposition against the government, but also against the people who approve of the government.

So, it's going to escalate on both sides.


Here are some examples of the information that has appeared in the official media.

After the introduction of the first vaccines, the newspapers started to talk about the side effects. Before, they hardly ever did so. For example, an article in Futura Science on March 3, 2021 was entitled "Vaccines against Covid-19: the true and false of side effects". An article in Femme Actuelle on March 2, 2021 was titled "Side effects, how to get vaccinated: everything you need to know about the Covid-19 vaccine". Another on Marie-Claire of February 25, 2021: "Covid-19: what possible side effects with AstraZeneca's vaccine?". And there were dozens of them in the mainstream newspapers. There was even a government portal in France for reporting side effects for anti-covid vaccines. The portal was widely publicized at the time of its creation. This is something that, to all appearances, had never been done before for vaccines. This is presented as a sign of openness. But in reality, it is to favor the opposition between pro and anti vaccines. If even the government recognizes that there are side effects, it obviously does not encourage confidence in the safety of the vaccine.

It is done with subtleties of course. It is meant to be reassuring, but the elite knows that the simple fact of talking about side effects will push many people towards a beginning of questioning, and thus a beginning of conspirationism. That's why the rule, until now, was not to talk about it, except sometimes, to make people who question the harmlessness of vaccines feel guilty to death.

And it worked well. The general public was totally in line with the official word. And those who questioned the safety of vaccines were considered by almost everyone as conspirationist nuts. Now, all of a sudden, by publishing articles everywhere about the dangers of this or that anti-covid vaccine, this conspirationism is spreading to a part of the general public, feeding the anti-illuminati camp with future troops.

And the dangerousness of some of these vaccines has been magnificently confirmed by the withdrawal of the AstraZeneca vaccine from 11 countries in Europe in early March 2021. If that doesn't confirm the conspirationist narrative, what does?

Why would governments that are known to be entirely in favor of the elite introduce a vaccine and then withdraw it? On the face of it, it doesn't make sense. Unless it was planned from the start and the reason for this action was to develop the conspirationist clan by gradually pushing a part of the ordinary people towards this movement.

And the fact that the vaccines were released in a very short time also led to doubts about their safety. This too was intentional.

Also, the story that some of the vaccines are of a new kind, with RNA, was specifically designed to worry ordinary people about possible side effects. And this is also exploited on the conspirationist side to make people believe that it will cause mutations.


Regarding the anti-democratic measures, there has been the obligation to wear masks in the open air and in meeting places. The same goes for the confinement and the curfew. But most people didn't mind because they knew it was temporary.

But, more importantly, we now have the vaccine or health pass. This too will create a major source of opposition between ordinary people and the skeptics. It is either an infringement of the freedom to dispose of your own body, or an infringement of the freedom of movement and the freedom of assembly. And in any case, it is an attack on the equality of citizens, a real health apartheid. And it looks like it's going to be around for quite a while. So there's really something to push the pro and the anti against each other.

In any case, on the one hand, we have official information that makes many ordinary people become conspirationist, and that makes those who were already conspirationist become even more so. We also have dictatorial measures that lead a part of the population to revolt and push them towards conspirationism. And on the other hand, we have ordinary people who are being panicked and turned against conspirationists. This will be one more source of opposition between the two camps that will face each other in the third world war.


We also understand why there were 3 waves, the containment and the various variants of the so-called virus. This was necessary to impose the idea of a health pass. If there had been only one wave, a large part of the population would have been against it. If there had not been the containment and therefore the catastrophe of the blocking of the economy for a long time, it would have been the same thing. And if there had not been the threat that the situation would continue because of the variants, ditto. All of this has helped to put the population in the right psychological situation to accept the health pass, that is to say, the new restriction of freedom that will participate in the opposition between the pro and the anti.



2) Limiting travel between countries, in order to limit immigration?


Another important element that comes with covid19 is the limitation of travel, and even the closing of borders.

The problem is that if the elite allow immigration to continue into Europe and the US, the white race will eventually disappear as miscegenation spreads.  Or, without disappearing, the number of white people will be greatly impacted. But the objective of the elite is the opposite.

What we can think is that, either in the plan of the elite, the increase in the number of immigrants and of mixed-race people is perfectly calculated so that at the current rate of immigration and of mixing, there will be the exact number of both types of populations wanted by the elite just at the time of the outbreak of the war. Or there is a time lag. The number of mestizos will be optimal at the time of the war but the number of immigrants will be optimal before (thus, they will be in excess at the time of the war), or the opposite. A priori, it is rather the immigration that will be too high at the beginning of the war. Besides, immigration can be easily controlled, whereas miscegenation is more difficult. If we are in this second configuration, it is rather on this parameter that the elite will play, and thus the plan contains a moment where there will be a blockage of immigration.

Now, a priori, the closure of the borders following covid19 is only temporary. So, if such a tool is used to limit immigration, it will not be used now, since it is necessary to have a measure that lasts several years for it to be effective against immigration. But the idea is there and the thing has already been done during covid. So, in the future, the elite may close the borders because of a pandemic around 2030 or 2040. And in the media, the doctors who are under control are already preparing us for other pandemics.

If Ebola has been localized in Africa, it is perhaps for this reason. That said, whether it is Ebola or another disease, the elite will certainly not limit the epidemic to Africa. That would be too obvious a blow. There will be other areas involved so that no one will suspect that it is African immigration that is targeted.

The health pass and the variant story can also be used for this. The elite could say that Africa, which has been relatively unaffected by covid19 until now, has experienced a very strong resurgence of the epidemic because of a covid variant. Or they can use another disease. And since fraud is an extremely widespread problem in these countries, it will seem logical to reject a large number of applicants for immigration because of invalid vaccination certificates. In this variant of the scenario, there will be no need to close the borders. It will be enough to reject individuals on a case-by-case basis. Except that, in reality, more than 90% of the immigrants will be refused. But, with this way of doing things, the rejection rate will remain hidden from the people and it will be more difficult for them to oppose this policy.

Besides, the Elite could hunt down illegal immigrants for pandemic reasons. They could put them in camps before deporting them, all because of the lack of a health pass or an invalid pass.

And since this is not a political problem, but a medical one, people will not think that it is in fact done to limit immigration. Especially since this decision will be taken by governments from the right as well as from the center or from the left (as it was the case for covid19).

Now, this is only one of the solutions found by the elite to limit immigration. The election of right-wing populists is also a solution in some countries. In the US, Trump's wall is a step towards that. It's true that with the election of Biden, there is a risk that it will be dismantled. But, apparently, Biden just wants to stop building it. He's not talking about destroying what's already been done. And we saw that for Britain, the solution was Brexit.

But a pandemic is a much more global solution, usable by many more countries, and that without people being able to link it to a global policy change regarding immigration.

Now, it is also possible that the elite's plan is perfectly calibrated regarding immigration (no lag) and therefore they don't use fake epidemics to restrict population movements before WW3. But this is a possibility to watch.



3) The elimination of the elderly


It is a fact that the elderly accounted for the largest number of deaths in covid19.

So, question: "Did the elderly die more than in a normal year?" Given that anything can be doubted with the elite, it is also possible that most of the elderly in question would have died very quickly anyway without covid19.

But, on the face of it, I don't think so. In my opinion, there was an over-mortality of old people because of the hysteria instilled in the medical profession. Besides, this is not something that should put off the elite. They kill tens of millions of people every year with the cancer scam, the diabetes scam, the hypertension scam, the treatment of various microbial diseases, etc. So if they don't have any qualms about doing it, adding a few million more around the world must not have been a problem. Of course, I could be wrong. But whether or not this is true is not the main point of this analysis. What is important is that at least a part of the people believes it.

Again, this is related to the third world war. Indeed, it seems clear to me that the goal here is to give an additional reason to the anti-illuminati to oppose the power in place.

This can be seen from the reactions of the elite-controlled anti-illuminati sites. A few have suggested that covid19 has led to the slaughter of the elderly. It hasn't been the most prominent thing. But it was brought up.

This is what happened, for example, on the Bouddhanar site, a French anti-illuminati site set up by the elite. We have for example the following article from April 12, 2020:

"Dr. Charbonier denounces the active euthanasia of the elderly

Who will stop the Talmudic-Masonic sect in power that does not shrink from crimes against humanity?"

"It is clear that these criminal politicians with the complicity of the medical profession want to take advantage of the state of emergency to grant themselves full powers and authorize by mortifying decree contrary to the spirit of the declaration of human rights which enacts the right to life, to exterminate the elderly in EHPADs; this is a plan for the mass slaughter of a category of population, that is to say, genocide falling under the crimes against humanity.""

(Note: EHPADs or "Établissement d'hébergement pour personnes âgées dépendantes" is a Residential care for senior citizens)

Or this one, from September 1, 2020:

"Solidarity of the Spanish population in the face of oppression"

"When true Justice will be restored, as many politicians and all the corrupt in the media and medicine, police officers will incur severe penalties ranging from dismissal to prison. Indeed, there has been, especially in France, a crime against humanity: the active euthanasia of the elderly."

Or this one, from January 1, 2021:

"2021, the year of the transformation of society?"

"It is the year of the liquidation of the old man and the old society after heavy ordeals: sanitary dictatorship, liberticidal measures, crimes against humanity, the euthanasia of the elderly, economic crisis... There will be a mutation."

And this one, from January 31, 2021:

"French, the government has had your elderly parents euthanized!"

The subject was also raised on the popular Egalité et Réconcilation website, created by Alain Soral (another agent of influence) on April 8, 2020, with the article "Is the decree on Rivotril a legalization of euthanasia?" :

"Everything happens as if the government had chosen to "finish" the old in Ephad, in order not to send them to hospitals cruelly lacking beds in intensive care units, but also respirators. By allowing and encouraging the prescription of Rivotril for elderly and dependent people, the government seems to have chosen the option of unspoken euthanasia, under the guise of accompaniment in the end of life, and of pain management."

And apparently the well-publicized documentary "hold-up" says so too. This is what we learn on this anti-conspiracy site:

"Pharmacist Serge Rader, who argues in the film that the elderly were euthanized in the Ehpads, assures that he is certain of what he says for a good and simple reason: "I have seen it, I am friends with a doctor who takes care of three Ephad." "Not only were they not taken to intensive care, but they were prepared with the syringe of Rivotril with an order to finish them off completely," he adds."

Apparently, in Anglo-Saxon countries, the subject has been little discussed. The Swedish case and the French case would have been talked about a bit on some English websites. But, apart from that, it doesn't seem that the issue has been treated so much on the conspirationist sites (Henry Makow talks about it in this article). So, for the moment, this element of opposition will probably develop mainly in France. But one can think that in the future it will spread to other countries.


Now, one could say that as epidemics do not occur very often, the usefulness of massacring a part of the elderly via the covid19 scam is rather limited. It's a bit of a one-shot gun. If the rise to power of the anti-illuminati/Muslim alliance happens in 25 years, the killing of old people during covid19 will no longer be an important issue by then. It will be a thing of the past.

That's true. But, it may be part of a larger and more ongoing plan.

Indeed, we have seen for a little over 10 years that the elite is pushing the concept of euthanasia very strongly. They are pushing through laws on this subject at full speed. And they are using all their propaganda to make it look progressive and to make it look like everybody wants to be euthanized and that at the moment, most people who are about to die are undergoing therapeutic harassment and have to struggle to get doctors to agree to pull the plug.

And this is not limited to a few countries. Laws allowing euthanasia have been passed in most Western countries. By 2021, almost all of Western Europe accepts passive euthanasia (see Wikipedia). This is also the case in North America, Australia, Argentina, Colombia and India.

The reason for the euthanasia project is once again the third world war. Because, in the same way as with covid19, it will allow the oppositions between conspirationists and ordinary people to be stirred up. Indeed, even at fairly low levels of conspirationism, it looks very much like a dystopian and even a Satanist project. Of course, for ordinary people, it seems like progress, because it avoids the supposedly therapeutic harassment. But, for people who are a little more advanced, it is quite clear that it will mainly allow the extermination of old people. And if that's not obvious enough for them, the conspirationist sites run by the elite will "enlighten" them.

And so the anti-illuminati will oppose it.

In fact, the subject has been discussed by elite-controlled anti-illuminati sites and agents of influence for a long time. For example, in 2008, the agent of influence Alain Soral spoke about it in France (here, on radio Ici et Maintenant, March 29, 2008).

"...because there is a lobby, we know very well, the Freemason lobby, and even... well, the anti-Catholic lobby, which wants us to break this lock of the defense of life at all costs; which is a bit the symmetrical of abortion. It is the infanticide and the elimination of the elderlies. And unfortunately, it is a liberal fatality. So, we are in the process of passing off a heroic fight for the right to die with dignity as in reality an extension of the liberal logic which is basically to reduce children to the logic of the commodity "I want it, I don't want it". And to manage old people as we manage goods, well..., economic obsolescence. That is to say, old people are expensive and don't bring in anything. There are more and more of them. Kids need the money. They live too long. The ideology of the seniors makes them spend all the money in the last 5 years. So, if I want to be a little provocative, I would say right now, they are preparing, they are setting up the ideology of eliminating the old."

So, as early as 2008, agents of influence began to "denounce" the euthanasia project saying that the goal was to exterminate the old people.

And on his site "Egalité et Réconciliation", we find about fifteen or twenty articles on the subject since 2013. There were:

  • "The College of Physicians takes a first step towards euthanasia" of February 14, 2013 (here).
  • And also "Small steps towards the legalization of euthanasia?" of December 16, 2013 (here).
  • Then, in 2015, "The brothers of the good death or the networks of euthanasia, by Alain Escada" of March 3, 2015 (here), which said, among other things, "In a conference for France Action Jeunesse given on Thursday, February 26, in Conflans-Sainte-Honorine, Alain Escada analyzed the motivations and networks of the "brothers", partisans of the "good death" by euthanasia, who are close to succeeding once again in their diabolical task."
  • There was also "Belgium: euthanasia out of control?" of March 30, 2015 (here).
  • And "Freemasonry is at work behind the ideology that wants to impose euthanasia" from December 16, 2018 (here).
  • And, in 2020, in connection with the covid19 pandemic, we have "Is the Rivotril Decree a Legalization of Euthanasia?" from April 8, 2020 (here).

So, for now, the anti-illuminati sites are only talking about this topic fairly episodically. And the euthanasia project is still relatively light. But, we can be sure that it will grow in strength over the years, and that the opposition to the project will do the same.

So, the purpose of the euthanasia project is not to slaughter old people per se; it is to give an additional motivation to the anti-illuminati to fight against the power in place.


From there, we can think of the following. Maybe the slaughter of the elderly is very secondary in the covid19 project, maybe not. It all depends on whether it is part of a larger project of inventing diseases that largely target the elderly. If other epidemics are invented by the elite in the next 25 or 30 years, with the objective of massacring the old, and if eventually these diseases are not transient (no vaccine or drug), then this project will have almost as much importance as the euthanasia project regarding the elimination of the old and the denunciation of this project by anti-illuminati. And it will mean in retrospect that the killing of the elderly was important in the covid19 project.

Even if these diseases are only temporary because they are "cured" by a vaccine or a drug, it will still be of interest to the elite. Indeed, epidemics will allow to have a peak of killings of old people (and euthanasia will allow to have a permanent project). Placed at the right time, a false epidemic could be the element or one of the elements that will turn opinion to the conspirationist/Muslim side, and bring this one to power. And of course, the fact that there are new liberticidal laws like the ones we had with covid19 will participate in this.

And it would be surprising that the massacre of the elderly was mentioned for covid19 if it was not destined to be followed by other diseases targeting the elderly. If euthanasia was the important project in relation to the elimination of the elderly and covid19 was just a one-off, the elite-controlled conspirationist sites would not have mentioned this issue in the last few months. If they did, it is probable that in won't be an isolated affair.


The main explanation that will be given to the conspirationists at the beginning is the fact that for the elite, an old person is a useless person, a financial burden. And with the aging of the population, there are more and more of them. So, the elite would seek to kill the elderly to pay for their retirement for as little time as possible and to reduce end-of-life care expenses.

The problem is that the elite can achieve the same result by forcing people to work longer and reducing the amount of their retirement. And then they can easily erode pensions through inflation and other indirect means. Finally, if it had been a financial problem, the elite simply would not have created a pension system in the first place, 60 or 70 years ago, or else a much less advantageous system.

So financial motivation is clearly not the reason here.

Moreover, what must be considered, regarding euthanasia, is that in reality, it has already been practiced on a large scale for at least 100 years in hospitals. Indeed, if the doctors consider that the patient is terminally ill, they kill him with the following triptych: massive administration of opiates, stop of feeding, stop of hydration. And medicine is already reducing life expectancy through false diagnoses and harmful treatments. So the elite don't really need to formalize it to practice it.

By making it official, it will kill people a little earlier, but not much earlier: maybe a year, two at the most. If a person has cancer, two years before death, he or she is usually still well enough not to ask for euthanasia. A priori, the interest of making euthanasia legal is limited to shortening life expectancy. Therefore, the real goal is not to shorten the life of the elderly. If it were, the elite would seek to reduce it much more.


The other explanation offered for euthanasia in conspirationist circles will be that the elite are Satanists and want to create a kind of hell on earth. But this will be reserved for the more advanced conspirationists at first. Then it will filter down to a more moderate part of the conspirationists, so that the union with the Muslims can take place.


A reflection that one can make is that, in fact, it is rather the epidemic, or more generally the disease that is interesting to shorten the life of the elderly in a relatively important way, not really euthanasia, since the latter only allows to shorten life by 1 or 2 years on average. Whereas you can very well have bogus diseases that supposedly affect mainly the elderly and shorten their life expectancy by 4 or 5 years or even more, this without official euthanasia (but with unofficial euthanasia). Of course, it is even better with both together. But it can very well be done with diseases only.

There is one reason why the elite should use only diseases, and that is discretion. Normally, the elite should want to shorten people's lives discreetly, so that the people don't object (because here we are talking about a massacre that concerns everyone in the long run). Now, as much as with euthanasia, the will to eliminate old people is quite easy to see (especially in the current context of the rise of conspirationism), as much as with diseases, it can go very unnoticed, even in this context. So, logically, they should only have recourse to inventions of diseases, and not at all to euthanasia. But this is not what they do. They emphasize euthanasia as well as diseases. And currently, they are even emphasizing euthanasia more than diseases (covid19 being an isolated case for the moment). So they obviously want their goal of slaughtering old people to be seen. Then, either it's because they feel so powerful that they are not afraid of people noticing. But even then, it's quite dangerous, because it concerns everyone. Or it is because the real goal is that some people (here, the anti-illuminati) realize that this is a will to massacre the aged and oppose the project.

And even for the only disease aimed mainly at the elderly that it has so far launched (covid19), the elite has ensured that its desire to eliminate them is seen in certain countries (especially in France, apparently). Indeed, in France, it was the Ritrovil affair (a drug of the benzodiazepine class) that sparked things off, with decree 20-20-360 (of March 28, 2020). In short, the government temporarily authorized Ritrovil to be used in EHPADs for the sedation of elderly people at the end of life, whereas normally it could only be used in hospitals. Of course, this facilitated the elimination of the elderly via lethal sedation, since they did not need to be transported to hospitals to do so. And immediately, the conspirationist sites under control talked about it and denounced a will to euthanize the old. And the mainstream sites responded to the conspirationists, thus informing the non-conspirationist masses of the controversy. But the elite could have killed the elderly en masse without this decree. So, the purpose of the decree was really to make the elite's desire to kill the old visible, and to provoke a reaction.

Anyway, even without Ritrovil, this desire to kill old people was put forward by several conspirationist sites which are under control. Indeed, since many have taken up the theories that there is no covid19 virus and therefore no epidemic, the logical conclusion was necessarily that it was a conspiracy and that one of the goals was the elimination of a part of the old people. So, since these sites are under the control of the elite, it means once again, that the elite wanted people to be aware of this will to eliminate the old people.

In short, if the elite is not trying to eliminate the elderly in a hidden way, although it could very well do so, it shows that its objective is to make a part of the people aware of it, and then to oppose it.


Another detail, euthanasia will be presented as an idea brought by the Jews and the Freemasons. That's why in France, the Jew Jacques Attali, the eminence grise of the left, presented the idea of euthanasia as something normal and even desirable (since it was presented as a fundamental freedom), at the beginning of the 80s. This can be read in his book "The Future of Life", published in 1981, pages 274-275:

"Euthanasia will be one of the essential instruments of our future societies in any case. In a socialist logic, to begin with, the problem is posed as follows: socialist logic is freedom and the fundamental freedom is suicide: consequently, the right to direct or indirect suicide is an absolute value in this type of society. In a capitalist society, killing machines, prostheses which will allow to eliminate life when it will be too unbearable, or economically too expensive, will be created and will be common practice. I therefore believe that euthanasia, whether it is a value of freedom or a commodity, will be one of the rules of future society."

So when the anti-illuminati win, things will go badly for the Jews also because of this. This will be one of the many grievances against the Jews that will apparently make it logical for them to be persecuted and then expelled to Israel.


Last detail, euthanasia has to involve many countries for it to give the impression to the anti-illuminatis that it is part of the conspiracy. If euthanasia only involved two or three countries, it would not be consistent with the idea of a world conspiracy.

On the other hand, Muslim countries will not normally adopt this measure. It will make it look like the elite is not in control of the whole world and that there is a real opposition between the West and the Muslim world. When in reality, all sides are controlled by the same elite.



4) Conspirationist sites that say viruses don't exist


Another interesting element of the case is that some of the elite-controlled anti-illuminati sites have started to say that no virus exists.

Moreover, new personalities suddenly appeared and quickly became stars of the virus questioning, such as Andrew Kaufman and Thomas Cowan (a psychiatrist and a general practitioner). And their sudden appearance clearly indicates that they are agents of influence. But moreover, when you look at their curriculum vitae, it is even clearer (I will analyze their biographies in the next chapter). Finally, the fact that they are mentioned on elite-controlled conspirationist sites makes it completely obvious.

So the question here is why is the elite doing this? It's odd that they would take the questioning of medicine to the viruses themselves. Until now, conspirationist sites have been content with a fairly light critique, mostly on vaccines and some other affairs of superficial importance provided by the elite. Now, they are taking it to a whole new level.

The problem is that indeed, viruses do not exist. So, it is not in the interest of the elite to reveal this secret.

The reasons for this are not yet completely clear to me. But I can think of five.


The first possible reason is that, in any case, the anti-illuminati/Muslim camp will be defeated in World War III. So, it's probably not so embarrassing for the elite to reveal the truth. It will be washed away with the defeat of the anti-illuminati camp. This is the case with other revelations that are currently being made by the elite-controlled anti-illuminati sites.


Regarding the second reason, Kaufman and Cowan have given a number of details about the virus isolation procedure. It's not just a few bits of information. So if the elite are giving details, it suggests that they really want to challenge the viruses.

If that's the case, we can think of another possible strategy for the elite. Perhaps before or during World War III, they will try to make it look like they have been eliminated. Indeed, now many people are aware that the elite exists and know its scams (at least some of them). And there is a risk that this awareness will not disappear after the 3rd world war. So, as long as people believe that an elite is ruling us, the idea may spread again and threaten its existence. To avoid this, the ideal is to make people believe that the elite has been destroyed.

It is the same principle as in the film "My name is Nobody", where Jack Beauregard (Henry Fonda) pretends to be dead by means of a fake duel with "Nobody" (Terence Hill), which allows him to retire quietly in Europe.

So, the elite might decide to abandon several major scams to better convince the awake people that they have been defeated. It will seem so incredible to the people in question that the elite could agree to abandon these scams that they will think that the only possible explanation is that the elite have indeed been destroyed.


On the other hand (third reason), Kaufman and Cowan have also come out with some crazy stuff about 5G. This suggests that the goal is to torpedo the questioning of viruses by making them look like a bunch of lunatics to ordinary people.


A fourth possible reason is that the elite may only be putting Kaufman and Cowan forward temporarily, for one or two years. Thus, these ideas will be quickly forgotten by ordinary conspirationists once the conspirationist sites stop advertising them. In this case, there would be no desire to change things about viruses. The only interest would eventually be to monopolize the search results on Google to steer the conspirationists into a dead end.


I also see a fifth possible reason. It could be that Cowan and Kaufman (actually only the latter) serve to keep the virus theory alive in the dissident world, but without the name virus.

Apparently, Kaufman considers that viruses do not exist (which is also my position). He says that what are believed to be viruses are in fact exosomes, that is, particles emitted by cells and capable of transmitting information between cells (I think that this is false and that they are only cellular debris which do not transmit any information). Now, it is true that he explains contagious diseases apparently mainly by external physical or chemical causes. But, on the other hand, he says that exosomes can be transmitted from one person to another to inform other individuals of the presence of a physical or chemical type of danger (here, at 26 mn "The Truth About Viruses & Infectious Diseases!"). And if a person's body is not ready to process the information provided by the exosomes, it is possible that it will cause disease (at 31 min). So, in a way, exosomes can be a cause of disease, and a contagious cause.

Cowan seems to acknowledge the existence of viruses, but says that it is the immune system's reaction that causes the symptoms of the disease, not the virus itself (here, at 8:10). In other words, it is the healing process initiated by the body that causes the symptoms. Symptoms that are not dangerous but on the contrary allow to heal. It is the fact of interrupting the process by taking medication that is dangerous.

So, apparently, it is only Kaufman who questions the viruses in the tandem. Thus, he is the one who is interesting to analyze here.

In fact, exosomes are not an invention or discovery made by Kaufman. They are particles discovered (actually invented) by official medicine around 1983. So, he is just repeating this concept. And official medicine also says that these particles carry information between cells.

The problem here is that the idea of information-carrying particles can be the same thing as the viral theory. If the information carried by the exosomes results in a reaction of the body that is similar to this or that disease, then we are in a concept that resembles the viral theory (nanometric particles that carry information that makes you sick). Then, you just have to say that the information of the exosomes is transmissible from a sick individual to a healthy individual, and can make the latter sick; and there you have it, you have recreated the viral theory.

Now, in this interview, Kaufman says at 28 minutes that the difference between viruses and exosomes is that the latter are not there to make you sick, but to cure you. But as noted above, he also says (31 min) that if the body is not ready to process the information, the person can develop the symptoms of the disease. So, potentially, this is very similar to the concept of the pathogenic virus, even though the causes of the symptoms are different.

I had thought before I read more about what Kaufman says that he would probably limit himself at first to a theory where exosomes only transmit information internally, and that he would only introduce the idea of contagion in a few years. Indeed, the problem is that if someone introduces the idea of transmission between persons out of the blue, it is too easy to see that he is trying to reintroduce the concept of virus under another name. But in fact, no. The elite did not take this precaution. Kaufman immediately incorporates the possibility of transmission from one individual to another and the possibility that it will make the "infected" person sick.

So, the elite immediately reintegrated the idea of possible contagion between people; but, for now, it remains in the background. Kaufman apparently talks mostly about chemical causes (vaccines and DDT concerning polio for example), physical or electromagnetic causes (5G). By the way, apart from the electromagnetic causes, his explanations concerning certain contagious diseases do not seem to be very fresh. Medical dissenters have long been accusing vaccines and DDT of being the real causes of polio.

But, one can think that this version where contagion is possible, but kept in the background, will be only the first step. The elite will most likely bring it back to the forefront and thus get a viral concept but without the name virus.

It is possible that after Cowan and Kaufman, others will take up this theory, but water it down. They will present themselves as the men of the middle ground, against the viral theory, but also against the initial exosome theory, considered too restrictive and primitive. It will then replace the first version of the theory, which put contagion in the background. And we'll have a lot of influencers going on the Internet to present it as a great theory. The dissenters will then have almost completely joined the official theory (with just two or three variations) and it will take another 30 years for a new dissidence to emerge on this subject.

The elite have done this before for other dissident movements in medicine. For example, in the 1980s, (fake) cancer dissidents said that it was cancer treatments that were killing people (which is correct, even if incomplete) and that you should not take them, but that you should instead consume large amounts of vitamin C. Of course, they were presented by the media as dangerous sectarian movements, led by lunatics. Then, towards the end of the 90's, the dissidents in question, or their successors, put some water in their wine and started to say that you should not reject modern medicine, and thus that you should take chemotherapy, rays, etc., but that you should also take vitamin C (not in as large quantities as initially recommended). And so all the really dissenting side disappeared. All that was left was the official theory, with a sprinkling of vitamin C for the alternative medicine supporters. In the end, nothing has changed on the essential point (that it is the treatments that kill) and we have lost 20 years because of this false dissent.

So here there is a battle between the idea that cells just release inert particles and the idea that they emit particles that transmit information between cells. It seems like a small difference, but it changes everything. With the first idea (which I defend), the emitted particles cannot cause anything. There can be no contagion. Only physical or chemical causes can lead to diseases. And we have to look for these causes. And normally, there is no reason to get sick if you don't expose yourself to chemical or physical aggressions. With the second one (defended by Kaufman), it can be said that the information conveyed by these particles can make you sick or at least cause symptoms similar to the disease. And you can say that these particles can be transmitted between individuals and make them sick, just like viruses. Therefore, you can get sick even if you are not exposed to any chemical or physical aggression. Behind this small difference, there is a huge issue. Namely: simply the maintenance of the viral theory under another name or its definitive elimination.

At this point, one question arises: why do this? If no one questions the viruses, there is no point. It would be trying to fix something that isn't broken. And before Kaufman and Cowan came along, very few people were doing that. There was Stefan Lanka and me (and regarding me, the elite obviously organize the most total silence). And eventually Alain Scohy (in France), but you don't get the impression that he was producing much (and besides, he's certainly an agent of influence). You can't say that it was a threat to the elite. Now, it's true that, on the forums, there have been a few people questioning them over the last 4 or 5 years. So maybe the medical orthodoxy saw the danger and wanted to control the movement with agents of influence. But these criticisms on the forums remain very limited and very little developed. They are harmless to the elite. Moreover, since the latter is planning for the very long term, they must have been planning for a long time to question the virus. So, in principle, it did not happen in reaction to the awareness of a few individuals.

In my opinion, the reason must have been to present one more dissident theory during the current period. Indeed, the elite is making sure to propagate various conspiracy theories to the waking public so that anti-illuminati conspirationism gains momentum. There has been, for example, the questioning of lunar expeditions, the revisionism of the Shoah, the dissent on vaccines, the anti-illuminati conspiracy itself, etc… The questioning of viruses is the latest avatar of this project. The elite wanted to present one more conspiracy theory (or at least a dissident one). But of course they didn't want it to really enlighten people. So, they presented a theory that they could move in the future towards positions close to medical orthodoxy, thus annihilating all its revolutionary content.

From this point on, there are two possibilities. Either this operation is aimed at the most advanced conspirationists (those who have already begun to doubt virology or who may do so in the coming years), or it is aimed at the general public.

In the first case, it would prevent these conspirationists from going any further in their questioning, by pointing them in the wrong direction. And the elite will make sure that this theory does not leave the conspirationist circle.

If it is aimed at the general public, it means that the elite will abandon the viral theory for the exosome theory version 2.0. This would be quite similar to the strategy presented above where the elite would sacrifice current virology to make it look like they (the elite) have disappeared. Except that in this variant, nothing will have changed, since the exosome theory will have become more or less the viral theory with another name. But, at that point, people will not think that it is in fact the viral theory presented differently. Brainwashed by the agents of influence, they will think it is brilliant and completely miss the point.


So, for now, it is difficult to determine where the elite want to go with the focus on the virus questioning movement.

But, being aware that the elite is behind it will allow us sooner or later to understand what its goal is.



5) More on Kaufman and Cowan


First, both have Jewish names (Cowan is an adaptation of Cohen, and for Kaufman, I think that speaks for itself). And Kaufman has a Jewish face. That alone points to a scam right off the bat. The elite sent clearly Jewish agents because it must have amused them to see ordinary conspirationists, already very aware of the Jewish problem, either refusing to identify them as Jews, or doing intellectual contortions to justify the idea that these two are good Jews, not like the others, etc...

To repeat what I said above, the fact that they immediately received massive and enthusiastic publicity on many conspirationist sites run by the elite (anti-illuminati and anti-Jewish tendencies) clearly demonstrates that they are agents. Nobody gets such quick success on these sites if he is not one.

Let's look at their individual cases.


5.1) Kaufman


Regarding Andrew Kaufman, he very quickly became associated with David Icke, a clear-cut agent of influence. The problem here is not that Kaufman partnered with David Icke, but that Icke partnered with Kaufman. Why would an agent of influence support the claims of an honest guy telling the truth? But if the guy in question is also an agent, then it's clearer.

And what's ultra suspicious is that he figured out the virology scam very recently and we don't have any articles or videos of him before. I did a search on him by typing Andrew Kaufman virus, or "Andrew Kaufman" virus, selecting results from before December 2019 (analyzing the first 7 pages of results). And there are none. It may look like there are 2 or 3. But in fact, each time, the page links to another one from 2020. So, this simple psychiatrist appeared with a perfectly mastered theory all of a sudden. He came out of nowhere. This kind of spontaneous generation is a little too good to be true.

And it also means that Kaufman would have figured out the virology scam right around the time of covid19. The extraordinary coincidence. How convenient.

So it is clear that Kaufman is simply playing a role assigned by the elite and that is why he has appeared so suddenly.

Kaufman was involved in a scam (a story about coupons for Amazon that were to be distributed to participants in a medical experiment, half of which he allegedly used for his own personal profit, before paying them back). Obviously, this does not give confidence in the honesty of this guy. But perhaps even that is false and is done to mock the conspirationists by throwing a case in their face that the Jew Kaufman is not trustworthy, but that they trust him anyway. And it must also serve to discredit him with ordinary people. In their eyes, not only is he a conspirationist nut, but also a con artist.

Kaufman made a statement showing that he believes in demons. He said "demon possession may actually be a factor in some mental illnesses", mental illnesses like schizophrenia. Now, it's very surprising that a Jewish psychiatrist believes in demons. So why did he come out with this? Well, as we've seen, the elite is trying to get the anti-illuminati to believe in demons and supernatural entities. This will help connect the anti-illuminatis with Muslims and push them further into opposition to the system. So, Kaufman's sentence was made to push the anti-illuminati even more towards this idea. Only, it is an element that indicates a little bit more that he is an agent of influence. And that, too, makes him look like a nut to ordinary people.

And in this article, there is a picture where we see him doing a Freemason handshake with Andrew Cuomo, 56th governor of New-York :

Finally Kaufman received immediate publicity, not only from conspirationist sites, but even from mainstream sites. This guy was totally unknown before March 2020. And in just 3 months, there were mainstream sites talking about him. Unbelievable! I looked for articles mentioning him before June 30, 2020. And we have for example Reuter, with the article "False claim: A COVID-19 vaccine will genetically modify humans", from May 18th 2020. And we have the BBC, with the article "Coronavirus: Contact-tracing rumours debunked", dated June 13, 2020. Later in the year, there was this article from the website of the French-speaking Belgian radio and television (RTBF): "Coronavirus: is the vaccine for Covid-19 dangerous? What are the arguments of the anti-vaccines?", of November 20, 2020. Even later, we have this article from the French newspaper l'Express: "Vaccines modifying our genome: itinerary of a fake news", dated January 6, 2021. Or the MailOnline article "Westminster council goes to war with anti-vaxxers...", dated January 20, 2021. There was even an interview on Voice of America, November 17, 2020: "COVID-19 does not exist. Unmasking the pandemic". On Wikipedia, we learn that Voice of America is the international radio and television broadcasting service of the US government. And it is directly controlled by the state. There was also an article on NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information) on February 14, 2021. That's not a huge amount of articles. But if Kaufman was a real dissident, no mainstream media would have ever talked about him.

And as said above, the conspirationist sites controlled by the elite immediately talked about him. There is the one of the ultra famous David Icke of course. We have various articles about him on

  • "Dr. Andrew Kaufman exposing the 'Covid-19' magic trick - the sleight of hand that transformed society", from April 21, 2020 (here), which relayed a YouTube video of Kaufman.
  • "Dr. Andrew Kaufman - Unmasking The Lies Around Covid-19: Facts Vs Fiction Of The Coronavirus Pandemic", from April 30, 2020 (here).
  • "Dr. Andrew Kaufman: They Want To Genetically Modify Us With The COVID-19 Vaccine", from May 12, 2020 (here).
  • "Max Igan in Conversation with Dr. Andrew Kaufman", May 22, 2020 (here).
  • "Dr. Andrew Kaufman: Unmasking the fake 'virus' and the agenda for total control", from June 8, 2020 (here).
  • And there must be a dozen or fifteen other articles that were published afterwards, quoting Kaufman.

On, we have 5 articles that talk about him:

  • An article dated October 2, 2020: "David Icke Interview with Dr. Andrew Kaufman (PCR Tests Are Useless)", by Dr. John Reizer.
  • Another dated November 28, 2020: "Dr. Reizer - I just finished participating in a panel discussion with some brilliant people"
  • Another dated November 29, 2020: "Ramola D. Panel Discussion - 11/28/20"
  • Another dated February 1, 2021: "David Icke and Dr. Andrew Kaufman - The Virus that Doesn't Exist and The Tests That Can't Detect It!"
  • And the last one dated April 3, 2021: "The Depopulation Agenda is Up and Running!"

On, there are 16 articles about him, from April 9, 2020 to January 29, 2021, like this one:

- "Dr. Andrew Kaufman on Understanding What the COVID-19 Tests Are All About & Why the Lockdown Has Nothing to Do With a Pandemic", from April 9, 2020 (here).

However, it doesn't appear that Infowars mentioned him, nor did they pick up on the idea that covid19 didn't exist and that no virus exists. That makes sense to me. Infowars is more for the American hard right. And for that demographic, the elite provides a lighter conspiracy.


Kaufman has also been quoted on French conspirationist sites under control like Bistro Bar Blog as early as April 23, 2020 (a deadly mistake). In all, there have been at least 8 articles citing him so far (here, here, here, here, here, here and here). We also have this article from June 3, 2021 on Les Moutons Enragés.

There, as for the mainstream sites, if Kaufman was a real dissident, they would never have mentioned him.


Another problem, on his site, it is said:

"Andy Kaufman, M.D. is a natural healing consultant, inventor, public speaker, forensic psychiatrist, and expert witness. He completed his psychiatric training at Duke University Medical Center after graduating from the Medical University of South Carolina, and has a B.S. from M.I.T. in Molecular Biology."

So he would have a bachelor's degree in molecular biology. And it would have been obtained in the 90s. The problem is that the profile of a psychiatrist is very different from that of a biologist. Generally speaking, psychiatrists do not have the capacity to master hard sciences such as molecular biology. These are two worlds that are usually mutually exclusive. A mathematician or a physicist or even a biologist is usually not a good psychologist and vice versa. So it is very surprising that Kaufman has a degree in molecular biology. It's not impossible of course, but it's very unlikely. But we understand why there is this oddity. It was necessary to explain where his knowledge of biology came from. So they put a degree in molecular biology in his CV.

Still, that doesn't explain why there are no papers or videos of him on the subject before covid19. Someone doesn't come up with a completely mastered theory from the start. It's pretty much only agents who are in this situation (and even then, not all).

And by the way, here, a guy who apparently graduated from MIT says he can't find a reference to his degree on the MIT Alumni Registry.

(H. Larry Elman, SB Aeronautics and Astronautics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1960)):

"Never heard of him. Looked him up on LinkedIn, which says that he said he graduated MIT's Bio Dept in the 1990's. I could NOT verify that with MIT Alumni Register.

I will defer to Mr Kriger and Mr McClain. He does not sound like the sort of person I would want to deal with.

If the original Poster can edit the Question, I and others would appreciate it if "accredited MIT scientist" were edited out. If I believe his LinkedIn claim, graduating from MIT Course VII does not automatically make one an "accredited scientist."

I am an MIT Alum, and I would not describe myself that way without having many other of my professional credits being displayed."

But well, maybe it's a message to steer people in the wrong direction. The elite would have no problem producing a valid MIT degree for Kaufman. So, perhaps this message is made so that Kaufman will ultimately produce a degree and silence the critics about his biology skills. So what is important here is the logic of the thing, not so much the evidence, which can be fabricated one way or the other by the elite.


5.2) Cowan


Thomas Cowan is a follower of the anthroposophist philosophy. And this is not just an ordinary member, since we can learn on Wikipedia that he has been:

"A former vice president of the Physicians Association for Anthroposophical Medicine, he is currently vice president of the Weston A. Price Foundation."

And anthroposophy smells like a Freemason creation from ten miles away. It is an esoteric occultist movement, the typical Freemason stuff.

By the way, Rudolph Steiner, the founder of anthroposophy, was a freemason. It is even in Wikipedia:

"In 1906 Steiner received from Theodor Reuss (of), who represented Yarker in Germany, a patent to found a chapter and grand council of Memphis-Misraim in Berlin, under the distinctive title of "Mystica Aeterna." Steiner was appointed Deputy Grand Master, with jurisdiction over the members he had received or would receive in the future. Steiner soon came into conflict with Reuss and regained his independence. Then, from the initiatory elements he had gathered, he founded his own Rite: the "Esoteric Freemasonry", to which Édouard Schuré would probably have been initiated."

On the English page of Wikipedia:

"In the years 1903-1908 Steiner maintained the magazine Lucifer-Gnosis and published in it essays on topics such as initiation, reincarnation and karma, and knowledge of the supernatural world."

So, things are clear. The founder of anthroposophy was not only a Freemason, but also a declared Luciferian. Thus of course, to be an important member of anthroposophy, you have to be a Freemason. These people don't just let go of the reins of power. Cowan is an important member of anthroposophy. So it's obvious that Cowan is a Freemason. If he were an ordinary member and not otherwise famous, one could possibly say that he is an average guy who has been seduced by the discourse of this organization. But given his current celebrity and the fact that he was vice-president of an anthroposophist organization, it is almost impossible that he is not a Freemason. 

By the way, Cowan has his own Wikipedia page (in French and English). Almost no dissident in medicine has a Wikipedia page if he is not an agent.

 Moreover, on Wikipedia, we learn that one of his videos on bitchute (March 2020), received the support of a well-known singer (so necessarily an agent of influence), a certain Keri Hilson. And soon after, various newspapers and media wrote articles criticizing his theories. Wikipedia, mentions no less than Reuters, USA Today, Full Fact, the Science Press Agency, various media outlets; and the executive director of the American Public Health Association George C. Benjamin. This is even clearer than for Wikipedia. No newspaper would have mentioned Cowan if he were not a fake dissident.

I could dig further and most likely find more information. But, that would be a bit superfluous. At this point in the analysis, there is no ambiguity. Cowan is most certainly an agent of influence.

And if Kaufman is lecturing with him, that also shows that Kaufman is an agent of influence. Cowan would not be partnering with Kaufman if Kaufman were not also an agent.



5.3) Stefan Lanka


What's also interesting is that Stefan Lanka has done some conferences with Kaufman and Cowan. That also suggests very clearly that Lanka is an agent of influence.

I discovered Lanka in the very early 2000s, at the same time as I discovered the AIDS scam. And right away, I found him both interesting and suspicious. Indeed, his revelations were absolutely extraordinary for the time (no pathogenic virus has ever been isolated). But, all there was to support this was the equivalent of just 3 A4 pages (Dr. Stefan Lanka Exposes The "Viral Fraud", December 2001). When someone asserts such fantastic things, he wants to prove it by publishing at least one long article of several dozen pages. Since he had the equivalent of a PHD, he should be able to write long texts easily. But no, that was all there was. And it stayed that way for many years. Again, this is very suspicious of someone who makes such startling revelations.

Afterwards, there were a few articles detailing these claims a little bit; but, not a whole lot. It's only in the last few years that his production has increased a bit. And even then, it seems to be mostly videos.

So, we can think that Lanka was not more precise for a very long time because it was in 2020 that the movement questioning all viruses was to be launched by the elite.

The other big thing that is suspicious is that the medical theory that he defends to explain diseases is Ryke Geerd Hamer's "new medicine". It is a theory that supports the idea that most illnesses have just a psychological origin (a conflict) and that if you resolve the conflict, the illness will disappear. It is a completely simplistic and ridiculous theory. And on top of that, it stinks of new-age theory, which is a movement started by the elite. So it's very strange that the apparently very intelligent Lanka would defend such a thing. But it's quite logical if he's an agent and he's not supposed to go further than just questioning viruses, without proposing anything convincing about the origin of the various diseases in question.

Finally, in 2011, he created a challenge in which he proposed to give €100,000 to whoever could prove that the measles virus exists. So far, nothing abnormal. But what is very suspicious is that he received publicity from the media. Negative publicity, but publicity nonetheless. Again, the official media would never have mentioned it if he had been a real dissident.


5 commentaires:

  1. A small French event that goes along with what is said in this article. During last Saturday's (August 7, 2021) anti health pass demonstration, a sign was held up by a demonstrator on which was written "But who? Traitors!!! Fabius, Attali, Buzyn, Attal, Véran, BFM Drahi, Macron, Salomon, Soros, K. Schwab, B.H.L, Ferguson, Roseline...".

    The woman in question is in fact known. She is an ex-candidate of the FN (now called the RN) in 2012, Cassandre Fristot.

    To understand, you need to know that recently there was an affair in France when retired French general Dominique Delawarde was interviewed on the television channel CNEWS for a comment published on a blog where he accused the "media pack" of being under control. The journalist Claude Posternak then asked who controlled the media pack. The general dithered, and the journalist then lost his temper, repeating aggressively: "Who?!!!! But who?!!!". And Delawarde answered: "it's the community you know well"; in other words, the Jewish community (which led to the immediate end of the interview by the jew Morandini, the host of the show). Since then, the question "Who?" has become a symbol of "anti-Semitism". So the sign during the demonstration referred to this event.

    Obviously, the French general is an agent of the elite and came up with the phrase on command. And Cassandra Fristot is one too. The immediate goal here is of course to present the demonstrators as odious extreme right-wing anti-Semites.

    But beyond that, it serves above all to install anti-Semitism a little more in the French political landscape, since there are now people who dare to hold up almost openly anti-Semitic signs during demonstrations.

    The subtlety here is that the names mentioned are (officially) not only Jewish names. So, if Cassandre Fristot is prosecuted, those who support her will be able to say that she is not anti-Semitic since she also mentioned names of "goys" and therefore that the power in place persecutes her. This will support the idea that the Jews have power and are vile tyrants. And on TV, there will be reactions from journalists or philosophers, etc., like Claude Posternak, where the Jews will appear completely hysterical and hateful, which will push more and more people towards anti-Semitism.

    But on the other hand, the sign mentions enough Jewish names that Jews and ordinary people will think that there must be an anti-Semitic intention behind it. And all the more so since the woman in question is a former member of the National Front.

    1. About so called viruses,

      Couldn't we say that they act exactly like drugs's carriers ?

      They are suppose to act on cell's surface changing their pH.

      They must also dig through the cell and get to its nucleus to exploit it.

      They then disrupt the cell metabolism forcing it to produce inert fragment of itself.

      There are so much chemical processes behind the closed-curtain of a presumed virus, that there is no doubt they are several things at once..

      In any case, all of that make me think of drugs.

      What do you think ?

  2. I don't think the cells are so sophisticated that they emit specific particles for each different situation, which would be the case with all the different so-called viruses.

    The body already has the hormones to deal with problems globally and occasionally locally: cortisol (and in the same genre, but faster and more powerful, adrenaline) and opioids. The body is a physical/chemical mechanism that relies only on a few major drugs to manage problems. It doesn't have access to a huge pharmacy.

    That's why it's not so complicated to understand pharmacology either. Because they too rely on 4 or 5 types of drugs really: anti-inflammatory drugs (ex cortisone), opioids, and the combination of the two. And for the anti-inflammatory drugs, we can separate them into weak anti-inflammatory drugs (cortisone) and strong ones, i.e. those that also have an anticoagulant effect (aspirin). So, there are only 4 categories of drugs that the pharmaceutical industry constantly recycles under new names. And at the moment, I'm working on lipid-lowering drugs, which are probably a fifth category, namely anti-inflammatory drugs with a fairly significant oxidative action.

    And for cellular stress, we already know how the body deals with most of the aggressions. It resorts to inflammation, i.e. to the local emission (most of the time) of opiates. There is no virus story here, just good old hormones with a well-known action.

    So, no, viruses are not drugs. Clearly, they are just cellular debris that are eliminated by white blood cells or even by cholesterol molecules (hence the fact that HDL cholesterol contains more protein than LDL cholesterol).

  3. What we must also see is that in reality, since there are no viruses and germs are not pathogenic, the body does not have to deal with tons of different aggressions.

    It is a machine that only has to deal with a more or less normal environment and normal problems: cold, heat, lack or excess of food or water. Excess light. Certain known poisons. Things like that.

    But, even with poisons, it is not very good. Otherwise, it would know how to handle heavy metals like lead or aluminum or mercury. But since the body very rarely encounters metal poisoning (in nature), there was no defense mechanism created against them. It only knows how to defend itself against what it frequently encounters, namely plants mainly. And even then, the defense consists mainly in not eating them because the organism recognizes them as dangerous (hence the bitter taste often), or else, to eject them by vomiting or diarrhea. This is not a very sophisticated defense.

    The idea that cells defend themselves in an ultra-sophisticated way only comes to mind in the context of the pathogenic germ theory. As soon as you get out of that, there's no reason for it. We are back to a good little cushy management of known situations.

    1. "So, no, viruses are not drugs."

      A claim with which i completely do agree.

      I'm only saying that when you dig on "viruses" influences on a cell, you must see that these so called "entities" are actually a lot of things.
      Processes which virologists claim to be natural but aren't..

      I'd even go further to say that "viruses" are decoys for chemical processes that are simply meant to impair the cell's functions.

      For instance, we know that "viruses" must penetrate the cell's membrane to get to its nucleus and replicate themselves.

      Though for doing so, they must act on the cell's pH, find a cavity, infiltrate it, pass the semi-permeable membrane without getting harmed, and only then replicate themselves by disrupting the cell's metabolism.

      We also know that "viruses" can't maintain their structure in a cell if the last has a pH above 6.

      Also it could be add that following these parameters which are temperature, osmotic pressure, ionic flow, pH gradient, you will get certain type of viruses and not others..

      There are lot of conditions which must be checked for a virus to execute well its task and for me it is unlikely that these conditions are natural..

      Simply speaking, i'm thinking that all these conditions are brought by the virologists while they are doing their observations of so called viruses..

      "What we must also see is that in reality, since there are no viruses and germs are not pathogenic, the body does not have to deal with tons of different aggressions."

      I know there are no viruses and exosomes aren't information's carriers, simply metabolic waste which are due to poisoning when we talk about the viral process in my opinion.

      The more i'm considering virology, the more this domain reminds me as a façade for another domain which i'm eager to call 'poisonology'..

      An other problem is that we lack a true satisfying definition of what a disease is.

      I've read a lot of books on medicine and for me allopathy which the modern medicine represents, is a domain that especially fudge and produce confusion as to what a disease truly is.
