jeudi 4 avril 2024

Towards a revival of the Christian religion in the Western world after World War 3?

(Version française)


It's possible that the elite will impose a return to a religious society after the third world war. There are pros and cons at this stage. Here's what we can think of as things stand.

The need for a high birth rate after World War 3


Firstly, the elite will need a huge number of people to colonize the Middle East and Central America (indeed, on the American side, this is the next objective). What's more, with all the non-whites expelled from Europe and the USA, it will be necessary to repopulate. And for both these objectives, a high birth rate will be needed.

So, it's possible that the elite will impose a semi-Christian theocracy in the West, since the Christian religion encourages people to have children. I say semi-theocracy, because the church may not be in power. But it will have a very strong influence on political and social life.

But the return of religion is not a prerequisite for achieving this goal. In fact, a high birth rate could be achieved by nationalist governments, without the help of religion, via pro-natalist policies.


Whether the increase in the birth rate is achieved by a nationalist government or by the rise of religion, it is certain that most Western governments will abolish the right to abortion, as well as the pill. And in the case of France, enshrining this right in the constitution won't change a thing. It'll be abolished anyway.

Similarly, feminism will be totally wiped out. Women will lose most of their rights, including perhaps the right to vote (or at least the latter will be severely restricted).

The rise of masculinist movements is a sign of this. There's nothing spontaneous about them. They are clearly under the control of the elite. Otherwise, all the masculinist videos like MGTOW on Youtube would be deleted immediately. Of course, a number of such videos and channels were suppressed at first, to give the impression of a completely underground movement being hunted down by the official kommandantur. But it's over now. The fact that right from the start, the videos in question received a lot of comments, and practically all of them positive, shows that this is a movement launched by the elite. Otherwise, there would have been only a few comments, of which a third would have been negative, a third neutral/in-between and a third positive. Besides, Jordan Peterson wouldn't be on American television.


It also means that all the current ridiculous propaganda about ecology and Gaia dying because there are too many bad human beings will be swept away. Promoting a very high birth rate will run counter to current ecological Malthusianism. So, current ecology won't survive World War III. We'll be rid of this stupid propaganda (e.g. CO2 responsible for global warming). But we'll gain others, just as dumb.


The rise of Satanism


Another thing in favor of a return of the Christian religion is the fact that the elite are currently actively promoting Satanism.

One reason for this is that the elite want to have two very opposed blocs in the Third World War. By setting up, on the one hand, a bloc made up of nationalists, democrats and partly Satanists (whether officially or unofficially); and on the other hand, a bloc made up of Muslims and conspirationists, the elite will get these two enemy camps. Having Satanists will be enough in itself to motivate Muslims to go to war. And their delusional social project will be enough to make the conspirationists join them.

In this context, fostering Satanism may serve a second purpose for the elite: to help impose the return of the Christian religion in the future. This is the dynamic strategy of the elite. One movement serves to create another through an action-reaction mechanism. By imposing a completely crazy movement like Satanism, it will be easier to impose the return of Christianity.

You could say it's the thesis-antithesis-synthesis of the Freemasons. But it's not. Because synthesis implies a state that lasts a long time and doesn't lead to a new state (or at least not before a long time). Here, it's just a succession of different thesis-antitheses, with the antithesis of the previous phase becoming the thesis of the next. It's permanent action-reaction. A constantly evolving series of scams, each building on the previous one(s).


mercredi 6 mars 2024

History and future of Southeast Asia

Here's a new publication on the Asian zone. This time, it's about Southeast Asia. With this document, plus the previous one about China, the past and future of the whole of Asia are revealed.

It's only partly about World War 3. So, it's a bit of a departure from the blog's theme. But, since it's now possible to make forecasts that go much further into the future, it would be a shame not to cover this subject.

Once again, given the length of the document, I've published it as a PDF.

Practical detail: reading in Google Drive apparently doesn't allow chapters to be displayed in the sidebar. Yet these are very useful for navigating through the document. So I suggest you load it and then open it with a PDF reader or your browser.

As usual, the document is available in English and French:


History and future of southeast asia.pdf

L'histoire et l'avenir du sud-est de l'Asie.pdf

lundi 17 juillet 2023

The history of China, Mongolia and Russia

Thinking about the Great Wall of China, I ended up developing a somewhat advanced analysis of the history of China, Mongolia and Russia. And it has a few links to the Third World War and what happens afterwards. Here it is available as a pdf, in English and French.


The history of China, Mongolia and Russia in English (pdf)

L'histoire de la Chine, la Mongolie et la Russie, en français (pdf)


mercredi 4 août 2021

Covid19 and World War III


At the beginning of the covid19 case, I quickly saw the most obvious goals of the elite. Namely:

  • To continue to maintain the fear of microbial diseases.
  • Introduce even more tyrannical laws
  • Sell a vaccine
  • Justify a drop in the stock market, then a rise in it

But well, it was the run of the mill regarding conspirationism. So, it wasn't very exciting.

But in the last few months, some interesting developments have taken place.

All of a sudden, there was negative information about vaccines that came out in the official media. Normally, such a thing should never have happened. The rule in the mainstream media is not to talk about dissident information, except possibly to challenge it.

So, suddenly, we can understand other, more important purposes of the case for the elite.


Note: regarding the medical aspect of the case, I consider that the covid19 virus does not exist and that no virus exists. And the epidemic is obviously completely bogus. The deaths were stolen from other diseases or caused by the doctors. I won't go into that because it's obvious to advanced conspiracy theorists. And quite a few sites have studied the problem. It's the political side that is interesting to analyze in this case.


Note 2 : here is the french version of this text, in pdf.



1) Increasing the number of conspirationists and strengthening the opposition between conspirationists and non-conspirationists


As we have seen in this blog, World War III will oppose the "anti-illuminati/Muslim" conspirationist camp to the "ordinary people/nationalists" camp. For that to happen, the conspirationist camp has to become important. At present, it is still a small group. So the elite must bring many people to conspirationism by making it more mainstream. If only sites labeled as conspirationists disseminate information of this kind, the movement will remain embryonic. Therefore, in order to develop it, the official media and even the governments must become relays of conspirationism. 

So, the different information spread in the official media questioning the safety of this or that vaccine will allow the conspirationist camp to be reinforced. The same goes for certain governmental decisions. This brings the anti-vaccine movement, and therefore the conspirationist movement, out of its marginality.

It will also create an additional source of opposition between the two camps. The conspirationists will refuse the vaccine, and as a result, the "normal people" will resent them and consider them dangerous. After all the restrictions and the relatives who died or got sick from the covid, it will seem unacceptable to them that people refuse the vaccine.

On the other hand, tyrannical measures will be taken against those who refuse the vaccine, which will lead to strong opposition from the conspirationists. Opposition against the government, but also against the people who approve of the government.

So, it's going to escalate on both sides.


Here are some examples of the information that has appeared in the official media.

After the introduction of the first vaccines, the newspapers started to talk about the side effects. Before, they hardly ever did so. For example, an article in Futura Science on March 3, 2021 was entitled "Vaccines against Covid-19: the true and false of side effects". An article in Femme Actuelle on March 2, 2021 was titled "Side effects, how to get vaccinated: everything you need to know about the Covid-19 vaccine". Another on Marie-Claire of February 25, 2021: "Covid-19: what possible side effects with AstraZeneca's vaccine?". And there were dozens of them in the mainstream newspapers. There was even a government portal in France for reporting side effects for anti-covid vaccines. The portal was widely publicized at the time of its creation. This is something that, to all appearances, had never been done before for vaccines. This is presented as a sign of openness. But in reality, it is to favor the opposition between pro and anti vaccines. If even the government recognizes that there are side effects, it obviously does not encourage confidence in the safety of the vaccine.

It is done with subtleties of course. It is meant to be reassuring, but the elite knows that the simple fact of talking about side effects will push many people towards a beginning of questioning, and thus a beginning of conspirationism. That's why the rule, until now, was not to talk about it, except sometimes, to make people who question the harmlessness of vaccines feel guilty to death.

And it worked well. The general public was totally in line with the official word. And those who questioned the safety of vaccines were considered by almost everyone as conspirationist nuts. Now, all of a sudden, by publishing articles everywhere about the dangers of this or that anti-covid vaccine, this conspirationism is spreading to a part of the general public, feeding the anti-illuminati camp with future troops.

And the dangerousness of some of these vaccines has been magnificently confirmed by the withdrawal of the AstraZeneca vaccine from 11 countries in Europe in early March 2021. If that doesn't confirm the conspirationist narrative, what does?

Why would governments that are known to be entirely in favor of the elite introduce a vaccine and then withdraw it? On the face of it, it doesn't make sense. Unless it was planned from the start and the reason for this action was to develop the conspirationist clan by gradually pushing a part of the ordinary people towards this movement.

And the fact that the vaccines were released in a very short time also led to doubts about their safety. This too was intentional.

Also, the story that some of the vaccines are of a new kind, with RNA, was specifically designed to worry ordinary people about possible side effects. And this is also exploited on the conspirationist side to make people believe that it will cause mutations.


Regarding the anti-democratic measures, there has been the obligation to wear masks in the open air and in meeting places. The same goes for the confinement and the curfew. But most people didn't mind because they knew it was temporary.

But, more importantly, we now have the vaccine or health pass. This too will create a major source of opposition between ordinary people and the skeptics. It is either an infringement of the freedom to dispose of your own body, or an infringement of the freedom of movement and the freedom of assembly. And in any case, it is an attack on the equality of citizens, a real health apartheid. And it looks like it's going to be around for quite a while. So there's really something to push the pro and the anti against each other.

In any case, on the one hand, we have official information that makes many ordinary people become conspirationist, and that makes those who were already conspirationist become even more so. We also have dictatorial measures that lead a part of the population to revolt and push them towards conspirationism. And on the other hand, we have ordinary people who are being panicked and turned against conspirationists. This will be one more source of opposition between the two camps that will face each other in the third world war.


We also understand why there were 3 waves, the containment and the various variants of the so-called virus. This was necessary to impose the idea of a health pass. If there had been only one wave, a large part of the population would have been against it. If there had not been the containment and therefore the catastrophe of the blocking of the economy for a long time, it would have been the same thing. And if there had not been the threat that the situation would continue because of the variants, ditto. All of this has helped to put the population in the right psychological situation to accept the health pass, that is to say, the new restriction of freedom that will participate in the opposition between the pro and the anti.


samedi 30 janvier 2021

The presidential election of 2020 and the future civil war in the USA

With the turmoil of the current presidential election, I'm beginning to understand how the elite will set up civil war in America. Now that things are settling down, it's becoming pretty clear.

Until now, it wasn't. Given the very cordial side of American political life, one wondered where a possible civil war could come from.

The fact that Trump was a kind of populist was clearly a first step towards a more anti-immigrant state. But it didn't say much about how a civil war would develop in the future.

And he was more of an American-style populist, that is a rather soft one. And the American economy seemed to have improved under Trump. And when the economy is doing well, it's harder to introduce political tensions. So, there was apparently still no reason for the US to go to civil war. The elements that could trigger it seemed to happen in the future and therefore were still unknown for the time being.


But with what is happening now, a pattern is taking shape.

Indeed, during the presidential campaign, there was a very strong increase in tension between Democrats and Republicans. Until now, the American elections have been a tennis match between gentlemen in white suits. Everything was played with total fairplay and everyone respected each other. All of a sudden, in each camp, there was a demonization of the other camp that had never been seen before in American political life. You almost had the impression of being in France when an election opposes the RN (ex-FN) to another party.

Why this demonization of each camp?

Let's look first at the Democrat side.

First, the anti-immigrant nationalists are on Trump's side. And Trump has clearly been on this line, with the construction of the wall on the Mexican border. So, for the democrats, the Trumpist camp is composed of racists. Not Nazis, but not far away.

Trump also questioned the theory of global warming, something that has become almost a religion in the Democrat camp. And Trump's voters are following him down that road. In a concrete way, Trump pushed for the development of shale gas. He questioned the Paris climate agreements. So, for the Democrats, Trump is a public danger that threatens the planet.

Now let's look at the Republican side.

For some time now (2 or 3 years), anti-illuminati conspirationists has been on Trump's side, and Democrat politicians are considered by a small but growing number of Republicans to be the devil's representatives on earth. For them, Democrats are illuminati agents whose plan is to create an evil dystopian society, or even to bring the devil and his demons to earth.

And even without going that far, many Republicans totally reject the society that the Democrats want to impose, where homosexuality, ultra-feminism, political correctness and therefore censorship, mass surveillance, euthanasia, idiocracy, etc.., are promoted in a practically dictatorial way. It is indeed a real daily mass propaganda that is made in the media on these themes. Thus, even without the evocation of supernatural occult forces, the Democrat camp seems to be leading America towards a dystopia for a good part of the Republicans.

The two camps thus have more and more valid reasons to hate each other. And you can count on the elite-paid agitators to continue to heat up the minds at boiling point.


mercredi 26 février 2020

Race Mixing as a Racist Pro-White Project

With the plan of mass immigration and promotion of race mixing currently being imposed by the elite in the West, there is a very significant increase in the number of black/white and Arab/white mixed-race people in Europe and black/white and Latino/white in America.

One wonders what will happen to all these mestizos after the 3rd World War. Will the elite simply exterminate them? At first glance, I don't think so. Maybe some of them will disappear during the war. But most of them should survive.

In my opinion, the elite will expel them to Africa. They'll use this to partially whitewash this continent. Then they'll be able to bring in more and more white people.

So, in fact, the current race-mixing trend serves the elite's racist pro-white agenda.

The people who are currently mixing are convinced that by doing so, they're using the ultimate weapon against racism. But in reality, the exact opposite is happening. Instead, they are serving white supremacism. What an irony.

Thus, it strongly suggests that the next part of the world to undergo the racist project of the elite will be Africa. It makes sense to me. Once they've whitewashed North America and the Middle East, the elite obviously won't stop there. And the next few targets are not many. It's either Asia, India, Africa or South America. And since Africa is closer and poses a greater threat to the integrity of the white race than Asia and South America, it is likely that it will be the focus of the next elite whitening plan.

Perhaps it will be Africa and South America. Indeed, one wonders what will become of the mixed-race Latinos in America. But, as Africa is a big chunk, the elite will probably focus mainly on that continent. In that case, perhaps some of the Latinos in question will go to South America and some to Africa. We shall see.

All this will take time, probably 200 years or more. So, in addition to predicting what will happen in the next 70 years, we can foresee approximately what will happen in the next 200 or 300 years. If my analysis is correct, of course.


And the Africans will not be able to refuse these immigrants, since they will be partly racial brothers, who are moreover attached to African culture. So how to say no to their coming? And in any case, Africans will have no choice. Here as elsewhere, it is the elite who decide and the people who obey.

We can think that some of the whites who will have allied themselves with the blacks and Arabs in Europe will also be expelled to Africa. As a result, they will help to whiten this continent a little more. The elite will probably make sure that a substantial part of them will not assimilate, which will allow the first white colonies to be established there. So these people, who will be among the most anti-racist, will be forced to serve a totally racist project. Furthermore, the elite will manage to make their children become more and more racist over the generations so that they will approve of the white colonization project.

That's what happened in Israel. Those who arrived in the 1930s and 1940s were mostly anti-racist and anti-xenophobic. And now, a lot of their grandchildren are xenophobes, or even uninhibited racists. A number of these elders must be disgusted with what has become of their people. And some of them are letting it be known. But they're out of touch. They are people of the past. As their xenophobic or racist grandchildren will become when they are no longer needed by the elite.

It's the same with the communists. They saw themselves as the future of the world in the post-wwII years, then they became totally old-fashioned and their ideas rejected by their children once the elite no longer needed communism. Among the people of this generation, the most adaptable/opportunistic evolved, people of conviction and psychorigids continued to believe in it and became relics of the past.


It is possible that the elite use Asian immigration to Africa to justify European intervention. They will make Asians act obnoxious against Africans. As a result, Africans will be more than happy to welcome white people back. In addition, if African countries accept mass Asian immigration, they will find it difficult to justify refusing mass European immigration. But well, this is a prediction based on the growing influence of the Chinese in Africa that is currently underway. But over the next 200 years, that could very well change and this hypothesis could become obsolete.


And regarding the colonization of Africa by white people after WWIII, the birth rate won't be a problem. At that point, the elite will ensure that the white one increase sharply, while the black one collapse. As a result, the migration balance will turn in favor of whites in Africa and eventually South America. But this time, there will be no turning back. At the end of the process, there will be no blacks at all and very few Latinos.

mardi 21 janvier 2020

Historical revisionism was a creation of the elite

I became interested in revisionism in the late 1980s. And especially from 1990, when the Fabius-Gayssot law, which banned revisionist opinions, was passed in France. Of course, from that date on, I was convinced that the revisionists were right. If a government bans an opinion so hysterically, it is most certainly true. But finding books on the subject was almost impossible because of the ban. As a result, I was only able to discover revisionist writings in 1996, through the Internet, by going to the famous Aaargh site. And from the very first articles, I received confirmation that the Holocaust was a pure invention.

Of course, this very quickly led me to become interested in the career of the most famous revisionists, including Faurisson. From the outset, two or three things made me slightly twitch. At the time, not being in the extreme conspiracy, I let pass this strange information. But as I became more and more conspirationist, and thinking back on this information a few years ago, I had more and more doubts. Especially since I had discovered in the early 2000s that many of the new stars of revisionism were in fact agents.

Over the last 3 or 4 years, I began to think that the first dissident movements had probably been set up by the authorities to launch conspirationnism among the masses. There, I began to think that revisionism was one of these movements.

But since I did not see too much use for revisionism for the masters of the world outside of that, since I was thinking about other things and since Faurisson was still a monument in my mind, I had left it at that; even if my doubts were becoming more and more important.

But, since I understood, a few months ago, that the Israel project must be a racist pro-white project and that a large part of the Jews of the diaspora will most likely be deported to Israel before and during World War III, there, the role of revisionism, in addition to participating in the rise of the conspirationnist movement, became very clear to me. Its primary goal was to raise "anti-Semitism" in order to send Jews from the diaspora to Israel. It confirmed that revisionism was indeed a project of the elite.

This was very difficult to understand for a very long time as also because, until about 10 years ago, the revisionist movement remained a niche trend, something known only to a few ultra-conspirationnists. So it was hard to think that it could be of any use to the elite in any way. It's only in the last few years that we feel that revisionism is starting to come out of its ghetto and that we can glimpse its role.

And of course, the Fabius-Gayssot law in France was created on purpose to advertise revisionism. It was not made to bury it, but to spread it. A law that prohibits a historical research movement is a clear signal that this movement is right and that the government is trying to hide the truth. Once again, for 30 years, the true purpose of this law did not emerge, because revisionism has remained a small group. Thus, the situation was consistent with the apparent purpose of this law, namely, to destroy revisionism. But it's getting clear, now that revisionism is becoming more widespread, that the aim was actually to propagate it. It just took 20 years for it to become clear. The operation was meant to act with delay. So the real goal was unsuspected.

And the development of revisionism will increase anti-Semitism. Revisionists have been viciously persecuted for decades. Most Western countries have enacted anti-revisionist laws and others to combat anti-Semitism. Obviously, in the minds of people who have understood the scam of the holocaust will grow the idea that the Jews control the world and that they are truly ruthless and obnoxious tyrants. And it's not just revisionism that's used for that. There are also many revelations made elsewhere about Jewish power. Many Jewish-critical leaders have also been martyred. Jews are more and more associated with Satanism, the migration invasion, etc... In short, the evidence on the existence of occult Jewish power and on its odious and destructive character is accumulating, all provided by the elite in reality. On this basis, the elite will be able to justify the coming to power of anti-Jewish political movements (an alliance of Muslims, leftists and conspirationists), and then the expulsion of some or all European Jews to Israel (and even American ones). This will ensure that there will be enough people to colonize the greater Israel that will be created around World War III. And after the greater Israel, will come the colonization of the whole Middle East by the whites.


That's why the extermination evidence is ridiculous on every level. It's because the elite wanted some people to understand that it was a scam.

If the elite had wanted the Holocaust to look real, they would have had no problem making it look like that. As Hitler was an agent of the elite, he would then have ordered his secret service to produce thousands of false documents to prove that an extermination project was being carried out. The German authorities could have put thousands of bodies of German and Russian soldiers killed in combat in pits near concentration camps; and even civilians dead in hospitals and without families. They could have made private videos of Hitler declaring his extermination intentions to his trusted ministers. All this would have been "discovered" by totally "independent" observers. And then no one could have doubted the reality of the Holocaust. If the elite did not do this, it was because they wanted people to realize the deception as soon as they looked closely at the evidence of the Holocaust. They wanted the lie of the Shoah to be exposed and that many people end up no longer believing it.

It's like the Islamist attacks right now, they have to be staged and the deception often has to be completely grotesque for many people to understand that it is all false and to switch to the conspirationist side.

 In fact, even assuming that Hitler was not an agent of the elite, it would have been possible for the victors to create false documents, to have apparently reliable, credible and neutral witnesses, and thus to produce seemingly irrefutable evidence. If they did not do so, it is because they wanted us to find out that this holocaust story is bogus. And, of course, since it wasn't ordinary people who were going to dare to ask these questions, they put agents to do the job. In any case, the elite obviously would not have wanted ordinary people to question the lie. It could have been dangerous, because they could have asked themselves embarrassing questions (as I do now). So it had to be agents who did the job.

As the document is very long, i put it here in PDF format. And since the translation will take some times, I put it here first in french. The english version will follow.

Robert Faurisson, très probablement un agent V.2


October 21, 2020. Finally, I have translated the text in English:


Robert Faurisson, most probably an agent

During the translation, I have heavily modified two subparts of the document (thus de second version of the french text). The one about the attacks of Faurisson (subpart 1.10.3 "Details and thoughts about the attacks"), and the one in appendix 8 (A. 8.6: The problem of developing revisionism 2.0 in the USA in the 45-70s).