dimanche 10 mars 2019

Will the Jews of the USA and France be expelled to Israel?

While thinking about my previous paper and the expansion program of the State of Israel, I had an idea about the Jews of the United States and France.  What if the elite were planning to expel them to Israel before and during World War III?

Until then, I had told myself that this was unlikely, because I thought that the presence of everyday Jews served the Jewish/illuminati elite to control the USA and France. So I didn't think about it more than that.

But if the objective of the elite is actually to spread the white race, and Jews only serve as fanatical white settlers, then it is different. All ordinary Jews will be used for this purpose.

Moreover, when you think about it a little more, it is clear that the Greater Israel project will suddenly require a rather large population inflow. It is true that Israel's Jews have a fairly high birth rate (near 3.2 children per woman). But that may not be enough when large territories are annexed by Israel. It will therefore require a massive and rapid influx of people.

And even if the goal was not to increase the territory of the white race, but the one of the Jews, we saw for the 2nd World War that the elite had no problem deporting Jews. So, to the extent that they will most likely be necessary to populate the Greater Israel, whether the real objective of the elite is the expansion of the white race or the expansion of the Jews, it will not change anything for them. They will be moved to Israel. 

It is true that in this region, there is mostly desert. This too must have unconsciously made me think that the inflow of Jews from the USA and France was not necessary. But in fact, there are quite a lot of people in this area. It's not just desert everywhere. So, there will still be a need for many settlers to occupy the territories taken.

Especially since, as we have seen, it is likely that, in reality, the Greater Israel project is underestimated and that the entire Middle East will be targeted by this white race expansion project. So it will require a very large number of settlers.

Thus, it becomes likely that the Jews from the USA and France will be expelled in order to occupy the territories taken from the Arabs when  the Greater Israel is established. Why them in particular? Well, because of their numbers. These are the two countries with the highest number of Jews outside Israel. The Jews of the USA are in the 5.7 million, those of France probably in the 600,000 (see here). That's 6,300,000 that could be used as settlers. But in the United States, there would be 10 million Jews if you take a broader definition of Jews. So that could be 10.6 million Jews who could be mobilized to colonize the greater Israel. Of course, it is possible that Jews from other countries may also be targeted, such as those from Italy (see the map of countries that will come under Muslim control before World War III).